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Located in the heart of Sunnmøre
Aursnes Hotel & Fjord cottages

Accommodation at
sensible prices

We welcome both business travellers and tourists as guests, offering high quality accommodation at sensible prices.

Welcome to Aursnes

Hotel & Fjord cottages

Aursnes Hotel & Fjord cottages lies in the heart of Sunnmøre

– in wild, friendly and beautiful Sykkylven. The municipality is known for its varied natural environment, from fjord to high mountains and with no shortage of nature, fishing and hunting adventures to offer.


Sykkylven also has a very vigorous industrial and commercial sector, with furniture production as the cornerstone. There are several furniture factories in the municipality. Aursnes Hotel & Fjord cottages is a bed and breakfast hotel that also rents out fjord cottages and cabins.


In the heart of Sunnmøre

‘A fantastic base for
adventures throughout Sunnmøre.’

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